WBRA Explorer Awards Scheme

We were pleased to announce a new Scheme to start in 2022.

This is not a competition against others, but a recognition for yourself as to where you have ridden with your horse. You will be surprised how many miles we clock up each year, and we thought it would be fun have an award which recognised people riding out from our many and varied Private Parking Places.


This is not an annual scheme, but a cumulative one, and a point will be given for riding out from one of the PPP. You will only receive one point per PPP. This is to encourage members to ride out from as many PPP as they wish to.


You can even claim a point for riding out from a PPP as part of an Escorted ride, either as the ride leader or ride member.

All you need to do is to contact the website co-ordinator to notify the following:

Date of ride.

Private Parking Place

Route/Distance ridden (just for a record)

Also, if this is not a route already recorded on our website, then please sent information as to the route if possible with a map and talk round for others to follow. We will include this into our list of routes from that PPP.


The points will be kept, and awards will be given out at the next AGM:

Bronze Award - 8 points

Silver Award - 15 points

Gold Award - 20 points

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