WBRA PayPal Membership

We hope you find using our on-line membership payment easy to use. Your membership pack will be posted out shortly.

Please ensure you provide the correct email address for communications as your Private Parking Place details will now be sent to you by email.

Please ensure you fill in the ALL the details indicated below on your Paypal transfer:

Your membership will not be completed without the information indicated below and will be delayed while we contact you.

Any problems or issues, please email wbramembership@gmail.com


Due to PayPal fees we have had to add a small transaction fee to our online membership.

If you do NOT provide a Vehicle Registration, Phone Number and email address we cannot process membership.

If your contact email address is different from your PayPal email, please enter this after your Phone number as

07777123456 & someone@nowhere.co.uk, otherwise we will use your PayPal email to send information to you.

Thank you

If you have problems trying to purchase membership  using PayPal, there is a Help Sheet which can be accessed Here.

Name of rider - Taken from your PayPal details

Address & Post code - Taken from your PayPal details

Email address - Taken from your PayPal details

Main Vehicle registration number - Please enter below

Phone number & Contact email - Please enter both below as shown above before you Add to Cart.

Currently it is NOT possible to buy WBRA membership for another person as a gift using PayPal.

To purchase membership as a gift, please use the standard form, and fill in the details for the person for whom membership is being purchased, or use the BACS payment option, giving their name as the member.

Or contact wbramembership@gmail.com to make the necessary arrangements.

Single (Annual) Membership - £12.75

Vehicle Registration
Phone No & Contact email
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