As indicated on the Bridleway Information page:
The legal responsibility for the maintenance of public rights of way is shared between the Highway Authority (Worcestershire County Council WCC) and the landowners with each having specific responsibilities.
However as riders, we too can help keep our rights of way clear and rideable.
To this end, we have agreed with WCC to work with their Rights of Way Improvement Officers and hold regular monthly path clearing sessions. At these we will agree a problem section which could benefit from clearing or improvement (way marking or replacing marker posts or gates), and ask for volunteers to assist on the day.
These are quite low key sessions, everyone mucks in and a lot of work gets done in a single session.
Details of upcoming sessions will be updated on the Newspage, and also on our Facebook group, and volunteers to help out are welcome.
We will be writing up each session so you can see what has been done. Details are given below.
Also below you can access copies of the WCC Public Rights of Way Volunteer Newsletters.