We were pleased to announce a Distance Rewards Scheme which started in 2013. This is not a competition against others, but a recognition for yourself as to how far you have ridden with your horse. You will be surprised how many miles we clock up each year, and we thought it would be fun to present rosettes on an annual basis for mileage accumulated, purely with the WBRA.
From January 1st each year, any rider attending an escorted ride will gain one point per mile of ride completed. Over the year, from January to December, the number of points accumulated will be collated by WBRA, and the rosettes will be award at next year’s AGM. The scheme has been running since 2014 and continues to date and you build up your points levels over the years.
The scheme only applies to escorted rides that have been advertised on the website.
It is all a bit of fun, but hopefully it will encourage members to go out and about more than ever. We are always looking for ride escorts and if you are interested in taking a ride, please contact any one of the committee. As a ride leader you get double points, so you never know – it could be you charging through the awards!!
The point’s levels are:
25 points
50 points
75 points
100 points
and at 25 point intervals from here upwards.